Because events in my life have proven it to me. Of course there is always history and signs, but the times God has helped me in my life matter to me more in the case when I’m asked why I believe in Jesus. I think the only way to truly believe is to try Him.
1 year ago
The universe is estimated to be approximately 95 billion light years in diameter, yet it operates with measurable order and predictability. Universal order, especially on such a large scale could not possibly come from chaos.
My body is comprised of 10 major systems. These include the muscular system, the skeletal system, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the nervous system, the digestive system and the reproductive system, just to name some of them. These systems all function in harmony without conscious thought. Then there is human consciousness. The degree of awareness that we have coupled with reason, emotion, and the capacity to love and hate is really quite amazing when you consider it. Complexity to such a degree has to be by design.
The beauty and diversity of life known of only on this planet is amazing. From the large, graceful and powerful Blue whale to the majestic eagle or the stately tiger, their very existence speaks of intelligent design. I could give more examples but existence itself testifies to a creator. This creator is what we call God.
So, I believe in God, but why do I believe in Jesus? The fact is that no matter what we believe, everyone one of us living on this planet, all 7.9 billion of us are here for only a very limited time. At some point every single one of us is going to die. The things that we experience, the life that we know, none of it is permanent. Am I more than just a part of this temporary life experience? Is the true essence of who I am just limited to this body or is there more to me? These are some of the things that I’ve pondered as I lay in my bed at night.
Right now, all over the world it is the year 2023. That is a very powerful thing. Even if I am not a Christian the year itself testifies to the birth of Jesus. It’s powerful because no matter what my religion is, or even if I have no religion at all, the way in which we measure time itself points to Jesus. I’ve pondered why I am a Christian. Am I a Christian because I was brought up in a Christian society and taught to believe in Jesus or is there truly a foundation to my faith? I have found over many years that there is a very firm and sound foundation that I have stood on over the years.
Firstly, the number of Old Testament prophecies in the Bible given about Jesus are incredible. From where he would be born, which came about because of a Roman census, to how much his betrayer would take in payment for his betrayal, to how he would die and what would happen. These and many, many more were all fulfilled.
In the New Testament Jesus said that the gospel would be preached to the ends of the earth before the end comes and that other sheep had to be added to the fold so that there would be one flock and one sheppard. At that time the Jewish people were under roman rule. After the death of Jesus, the church was formed, and they were only a subset of Jews who believed that Jesus was the Messiah. The gospel was then spread to the gentile nations through Saul (Paul) and others like him, making the message about Jesus available to both jew and gentile alike. Christians were persecuted and killed, by Rome in the cruelest ways. They were beaten, imprisoned, sawn in two, killed with the sword, crucified, and burned alive. Yet the gospel continued to spread. It grew so much that by 313 AD Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which made Christianity both accepted and legal. By 10 years later it had become the official religion of Rome.
Think about it, the religion of a subset of a subset of people who were ruled by the greatest empire in history became the official religion of that same empire. All roads lead to Rome and the gospel spread. By 476 AD when Rome fell, the gospel further spread throughout the earth. This prophecy of Jesus, when it was given, seemed to be quite impossible. Yet it came about in the most unexpected of ways.
The nation of Israel was also reformed in May 1948, which was necessary in order for scripture to be fulfilled. The Old Testament asks, can a country be born in a day or a nation brought forth in a moment. Well, for scripture to be fulfilled Israel had to be reformed. That happened a relatively short time ago.
In several places the Bible speaks of rulers, empires and time periods which have been validated historically. This gives me verifiable historical context for the accounts given. Furthermore, outside the Bible accounts are given about the existence of Jesus from people such as 1st century Roman-Jewish historian Josephus and the roman historian and senator Tacitus. In the New Testament people who were hiding in fear for their lives at his crucifixion spoke boldly and gave their all for the furtherance of the gospel. Saul, also know as Paul, was the man who hunted down, imprisoned, and persecuted Christians. Yet he is the same man who was converted, wrote so much of the New Testament, and gave his life for the sake of the gospel. I’ve often pondered what made such a change in these people. The common denominator with all of them is an encounter with Jesus.
There is an invitation given in the Bible for whoever is willing to try Jesus for themselves, to see for themselves what truth is to be found in him. I believe that sincerely taking Jesus up on that invitation is something well worth doing. Giving Jesus a chance in your life to begin to reveal to you if he is truly God.
I can give physical science, logic, history, and biblical prophecies as a foundation for my faith, but ultimately the strongest evidence is in opening up your heart, mind, and life to Jesus and then making an informed decision as to who he really is.
Because events in my life have proven it to me. Of course there is always history and signs, but the times God has helped me in my life matter to me more in the case when I’m asked why I believe in Jesus. I think the only way to truly believe is to try Him.
The universe is estimated to be approximately 95 billion light years in diameter, yet it operates with measurable order and predictability. Universal order, especially on such a large scale could not possibly come from chaos.
My body is comprised of 10 major systems. These include the muscular system, the skeletal system, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the nervous system, the digestive system and the reproductive system, just to name some of them. These systems all function in harmony without conscious thought. Then there is human consciousness. The degree of awareness that we have coupled with reason, emotion, and the capacity to love and hate is really quite amazing when you consider it. Complexity to such a degree has to be by design.
The beauty and diversity of life known of only on this planet is amazing. From the large, graceful and powerful Blue whale to the majestic eagle or the stately tiger, their very existence speaks of intelligent design. I could give more examples but existence itself testifies to a creator. This creator is what we call God.
So, I believe in God, but why do I believe in Jesus? The fact is that no matter what we believe, everyone one of us living on this planet, all 7.9 billion of us are here for only a very limited time. At some point every single one of us is going to die. The things that we experience, the life that we know, none of it is permanent. Am I more than just a part of this temporary life experience? Is the true essence of who I am just limited to this body or is there more to me? These are some of the things that I’ve pondered as I lay in my bed at night.
Right now, all over the world it is the year 2023. That is a very powerful thing. Even if I am not a Christian the year itself testifies to the birth of Jesus. It’s powerful because no matter what my religion is, or even if I have no religion at all, the way in which we measure time itself points to Jesus. I’ve pondered why I am a Christian. Am I a Christian because I was brought up in a Christian society and taught to believe in Jesus or is there truly a foundation to my faith? I have found over many years that there is a very firm and sound foundation that I have stood on over the years.
Firstly, the number of Old Testament prophecies in the Bible given about Jesus are incredible. From where he would be born, which came about because of a Roman census, to how much his betrayer would take in payment for his betrayal, to how he would die and what would happen. These and many, many more were all fulfilled.
In the New Testament Jesus said that the gospel would be preached to the ends of the earth before the end comes and that other sheep had to be added to the fold so that there would be one flock and one sheppard. At that time the Jewish people were under roman rule. After the death of Jesus, the church was formed, and they were only a subset of Jews who believed that Jesus was the Messiah. The gospel was then spread to the gentile nations through Saul (Paul) and others like him, making the message about Jesus available to both jew and gentile alike. Christians were persecuted and killed, by Rome in the cruelest ways. They were beaten, imprisoned, sawn in two, killed with the sword, crucified, and burned alive. Yet the gospel continued to spread. It grew so much that by 313 AD Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which made Christianity both accepted and legal. By 10 years later it had become the official religion of Rome.
Think about it, the religion of a subset of a subset of people who were ruled by the greatest empire in history became the official religion of that same empire. All roads lead to Rome and the gospel spread. By 476 AD when Rome fell, the gospel further spread throughout the earth. This prophecy of Jesus, when it was given, seemed to be quite impossible. Yet it came about in the most unexpected of ways.
The nation of Israel was also reformed in May 1948, which was necessary in order for scripture to be fulfilled. The Old Testament asks, can a country be born in a day or a nation brought forth in a moment. Well, for scripture to be fulfilled Israel had to be reformed. That happened a relatively short time ago.
In several places the Bible speaks of rulers, empires and time periods which have been validated historically. This gives me verifiable historical context for the accounts given. Furthermore, outside the Bible accounts are given about the existence of Jesus from people such as 1st century Roman-Jewish historian Josephus and the roman historian and senator Tacitus. In the New Testament people who were hiding in fear for their lives at his crucifixion spoke boldly and gave their all for the furtherance of the gospel. Saul, also know as Paul, was the man who hunted down, imprisoned, and persecuted Christians. Yet he is the same man who was converted, wrote so much of the New Testament, and gave his life for the sake of the gospel. I’ve often pondered what made such a change in these people. The common denominator with all of them is an encounter with Jesus.
There is an invitation given in the Bible for whoever is willing to try Jesus for themselves, to see for themselves what truth is to be found in him. I believe that sincerely taking Jesus up on that invitation is something well worth doing. Giving Jesus a chance in your life to begin to reveal to you if he is truly God.
I can give physical science, logic, history, and biblical prophecies as a foundation for my faith, but ultimately the strongest evidence is in opening up your heart, mind, and life to Jesus and then making an informed decision as to who he really is.